Dying Matters
Bringing "Dying Matters" out from the medical world, back into our homes and communities has been gaining momentum over recent years, in an attempt to once more normalise death within families and the communities in which they live.
In Croydon, a community project Live, Plan and Finish Well, headed up by St Christopher’s in partnership with Age UK Croydon and Cruse, seeks to engage community participation by recruiting volunteers, to raise the awareness of the importance of planning and recording wishes for End of Live across all age groups and to change the common practice that Wills and funeral wishes etc can wait until the third age of life.
Talking about dying and death is something people understandably feel uncomfortable about, but it is something we all need to do - otherwise we, or our loved ones, may not die in the way we want.
Live, Plan and Finish Well volunteers have received specific training in raising these difficult conversations and are happy to give talks, facilitate workshops, within community groups of all ages and cultures, as well as sheltered and residential homes They may also be found giving out leaflets and answering questions at community events, such as Dying Matters week in May. The aim of the project is to encourage people to talk about their wishes for the end of their lives, including where they want to die and their funeral plans, with friends, family and loved ones.
Talking about dying does not make it happen, or happen faster, in fact research has shown that talking about dying and making plans for End of Life Care and communicating wishes, to family and friends, makes it more likely that everyone involved is given a sense of peace, just by knowing End of Life Wishes, even at a time of sadness and grieving.
If you are interested in volunteering or wish for a volunteer to come and talk to your group please contact c.trower@stchristophers.org.uk