We all need to talk about Death, for aside from birth, dying is the only other experience we will all share. So why is it so hard to talk about it?
Creating Conversations in Croydon will be hosting a Community dialogue forum, to include participants from different cultures and Faiths, as well as professionals within the end of life community that serve the population of Croydon. The aim of creating this unique opportunity is to exchange information and hear different perspectives around Death and Dying, to understand and clarify end of life rituals and how these vary between different faith groups, to explore what is a good death including fundamental preferences of where to spend ones final days, what professional support is available and to appreciate that care of the dying is changing and care and support comes in many guises including our communities. All Croydon residents are invited to join in this dialogue.
Come and share your thoughts and any first hand experience supporting a family member or friend through the Dying process, what was good about the experience....
Did your family member /friend receive the support they wished for? What could be improved? Did you identify and gaps in the service?
We will be joined by:
- General Practitioners
- Croydon University Hospital Palliative care Staff
- Cruse Bereavement Care
- St Christopher’s Hospice
- Marie Curie
- Faith leaders
- Doula’s
- End of Life Commissioners
- Councillors’ and Council Staff
- Croydon Crematorium
So put this date in your diary NOW - Wednesday 20 March 2019 - from 6pm – 9pm at the Braithwaite Hall, Katherine Street, Croydon,CR9 1ET. For more information please visit www.stchristophers.org.uk/creatingconversations email
c.trower@stchristophers.org.uk, twitter @CCinCroydon.