South London Interfaith group has continued to meet online on zoom every month on the last Thursday from 1 to 2 p.m.

The December Sunday celebration of the festivals of 9 faiths included a pagan contribution and was well supported. In December we looked forward to how people were going to celebrate Christmas. The January meeting welcomed Victoria Keen from Sylvan Road Death cafe and there was an interesting discussion about bereavement and funerals during lock down. On February 25th from 1 to 2 p.m. Juney Muhammed from NHS will follow up her Black Lives matter talk on mental health and Fr Andrew Wilson will join us.

It has been suggested that we need some “fun” meetings so in March Sheila Wharton and Ebrahim Rashid will be interviewed and in April Fr Sam will join us to talk about “Joy”.

On March 11th there will be an online webinar to join to mark Sacred Space Sacred People (International interfaith climate day of action focusing on 12 noon). If you would like to join any of these events please email

2021 marks our 40th anniversary and we have various plans for later in the year.

A major one is to plant trees. They must be on public land and ideally with somebody nearby to keep an eye on them! On our website and Facebook page you will find interviews with our founders and long-standing supporters.

We also hope to employ a part-time worker to digitalise our archives and load them onto our website and ideally to update the directory of South London faith groups.

John Woodhouse
Chair SLIG.