The South London Interfaith Group are providing virtual WRAP (Workshop to raise awareness of Prevent) Prevent training sessions to out of-school settings. Prevent is the statutory duty to safeguard those that may be vulnerable to violent extremism. The WRAP covers the Prevent policy, the extremism phenomenon, radicalisation, case studies, indicators of concern and the referral process. The training has been amended to reflect the impact of COVID and threat of online radicalisation.

The Department for Education (DfE) has published a new safeguarding code of practice that is intended to help providers of clubs, tuition and activities for children understand their safeguarding obligations, based on current legal requirements and what is considered to be good safeguarding practice. 

For further information about good safeguarding practice please view the

Voluntary code of safeguarding practice for out-of-school settings (OOSS).

The training can be delivered virtually on Microsoft Teams at a time of your convenience. The WRAP is a 45-60 minute presentation. The Prevent team recommends arranging a Local Authority delivered WRAP once every two years to ensure the best practice.  Please contact the Prevent Education Officer on to arrange a suitable date and time.